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In this post I’m going to show you a neat little hack to get a bare metal load balancer called MetalLB working in K3s under Docker Desktop for Mac. Before you get started please follow the steps to set-up K3s using k3d with Rancher if this is your first time using Kubernetes. If you already have a K3D cluster running, we’ll be creating a new one for experimentation.

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This hack allows Mac users running Kubernetes locally via Docker have it provide EXTERNAL-IP addresses from a pool of addresses so multiple K8s services can be run on the same port, namely 80 (http) and 443 (https), at the same time. Effectively this is a workaround for docker/for-mac/issues/155. Without this hack LoadBalancer IP addresses will show as <pending> or <none> in kubectl.

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Let’s see how it works.

Stop any running processes bound to, 80 and 443; and create a new cluster called k3s-metalllb with the following command:

The kubectl context will update automatically as demonstrated in my getting started guide. Verify all nodes are STATUS of Ready using kubectl get nodes.

You should see output like:

Expand to view sample output

TunTap provides kernel extentions for macOS that allow it to create virtual network interfaces. Install it with Homebrew via Cask:

The installation will error the first time you try it. Follow the instructions provided in the Brew logs to complete the installaiton. You’ll need to configure a trust setting in System Preferences before the installation can complete.

Note: Although TunTap is INACTIVE it’s still working as of macOS 11.

Once the brew install completes successfully, clone the following repo and inspect its contents:

You should see output like:

As shown in the sample output the sbin directory contains a few Bash scripts needed to cajole Docker into using TunTap. Review the files for completeness and make any adjustments desired to before continuing.

When you’re ready, stop Docker Desktop.

Then run ./sbin/ to install the shim.

You should see output like:

After Docker restarts run ifconfig grep tap. You should see output like:

If a tap1 network interface appears you can now bring it up.

From the docker-tuntap-osx directory run the “up” to initialize the tap network interface:

Enter your password then run ifconfig grep -A 5 tap.

You should see output like:

Verify the network interface has a status of active.

Next update your routing tables based on your Docker config. To do that first get the Subnet “CIDR block” value from the cluster’s docker network:

Be sure you inspect the correct Docker network. You shoud see output like:

Then add a new route to the routing table:

Tip: Calculate the subnet mask (netmask) using anonline calculator.

Tip: should match the hostGateway specified in

Enter your password. You should see output like:

And from there you should be good to go!

With the networking stuff out of the way we’re ready to install MetalLB to our bare metal cluster. The official installation instructions contain the steps. Follow the steps to install by manifest, copied here for convenience:

Then run some sanity checks to make sure installation succeeded:

You should see output like:

Expand to view sample output

If everything looks good, continue.

Now we’re going to install Rancher and patch it with a LoadBalancer to see if we get an EXTERNAL-IP address assigned from the pool.

Start by installing cert-manager as described in the previous tutorial. For the sake of time, here’s a quick installation by manifest of cert-manager v1.1.0:

Then install Racher using Helm and wait for the rollout to complete:

In 3-4 minutes, once all 3 replicas are available, run kubectl get svc -n cattle-system and observe TYPE is ClusterIP and notLoadBalancer:

Balancing FPS Mac OS

Now patch the service so it’s using a LoadBalancer instead:

You should see a service/rancher patched message.

Run kubectl get svc -n cattle-system again. You should see output like:

Notice the rancher service is now using a LoadBalancer and the EXTERNAL-IP is <pending> assignment. If everything was configured properly, that would return an IP address from the pool of available addresses.

As it turns out, however, we haven’t defined our pool of IP addresses yet. Let’s go ahead and do that now by drafting a ConfigMap file:

Specify an address range of your own. Make sure the addresses chosen are within the subnet as determined while configuring the network interface for TunTap.

Once satisfied with your changes, create the actual ConfigMap:

You should see a configmap/config created message. If you do, run kubectl get svc -n cattle-system one more time and inspect the output:

You should see an IP address in the EXTERNAL-IP column now. The address will be one of those you made available to the pool and also one which falls within the netmask of the routing rule added earlier.

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Browse to the EXTERNAL-IP address assigned by MetalLB:

If you followed along carefully, you shoud now be looking at the Rancher Welcome page and have finished validating your work. Congratulations!

Tip: If you’re looking at a page titled Privacy error type thisisunsafe.

Finally, edit your /etc/hosts file and add an entry for Rancher if you like. What worked for me was rancher.local despite the original hostname setting used when installing. Not ideal for reasons I’ve mentioned before. But then again this was all a hack.

In this tutorial I walked you through how to set-up a bare metal load balancer using K3s and MetalLB on macOS to assign IP addresses from a pool of available addresses after hacking our way past docker/for-mac/issues/155 for the purpose of allowing us to expose multiple services on the same port in K3s with Docker. If you have any suggestions on how to improve upon this solution, please drop in the GH issue linked above so all may benefit.

Big hat tip to Cody De Arkland who wrote the article titled KIND and Load Balancing with MetalLB on Mac which helped me finally get to the finish line after fumbling around with this for more than a day. Note there’s also this article for K3s but I was never able to follow it through to completion.

Apple in macOS Big Sur 11.3 fixed a bug that could have allowed attackers to bypass the Mac's security mechanisms with a malicious document.

The software flaw allowed attackers to create a malicious application that could masquerade as a document, TechCrunchreported Monday. Security researcher Cedric Owens first discovered the bug in March.

According to Owens, 'all the user would need to do is double click — and no macOS prompts or warnings are generated.' The researcher created a proof-of-concept app that exploited the flaw to launch the Calculator app.

Although Owens' demonstration app was harmless, a malicious attacker could have leveraged the vulnerability to remotely access sensitive data or other information on a user's machine by tricking them into clicking a spoofed document.

Balancing Fps Mac Os 11

Security researcher and Mac specialist Patrick Wardle also reported that the bug is being actively exploited in the wild as a zero-day vulnerability. He added that the flaw was caused by a logic issue in macOS's code.

Apple told TechCrunch that it patched the bug in macOS Big Sur 11.3, which the Cupertino tech giant released on Monday. In addition to that release, Apple also issued patches for the flaw to macOS Catalina and macOS Mojave.

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In addition to patching the specific vulnerability, Apple's macOS Big Sur 11.3 update also includes fixes for a bevy of other security flaws.

macOS Big Sur 11.3 should now be available as an over-the-air update to all users on compatible Macs.

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